elcome to romantic suspense author Beth Cornelison's home page. When my first Silhouette Intimate Moments novel hit the shelves in April 2005, I realized a long held dream of publication. I hope you'll check back often to see the new directions this dream takes me--book signings, speaking engagements, new releases, and special memories with friends and family.
Be sure to check out the
Lagniappe page for lots of extras... including articles on writing, listings of my book signings and speaking appearances, links to my favorite websites, and recipes that reflect the culture of Louisiana or are a personal favorite treat. Also on the Lagniappe page, you'll find the link to enter my latest
contest where you could win books and other goodies!

I've been busy this spring getting new books ready for
your enjoyment, but also takig a fabulous trip to
Ireland. Time flew by, and I realized you needed a
quick update.
In October, my contribution to the Coltons of Owl Creek
Targeted with a Colton, hits the shelves.
This was a fun story to write with a wounded veteran,
his high school sweetheart...and a very special service
Targeted with a Colton is my first release in
the new format for Harlequin category books. A
different look on the covers, a larger page with larger
font type (always nice for tired eyes!). Of
course, if you love ebooks like I do, that format will
still be available as always.
In November, watch for the next book in the Cameron Glen
Cameron Mountain Refuge. Thought I was
finished with the Camerons and their family? Not
so fast! You may remember that Matt Harkney (the
hero of the very first book in the series) has an
ex-wife with whom he shares custody of their son Eric.
Well, Matt's ex, Jessica is getting her story. She
deserves a forever love and happily ever after, too.

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